
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Trik Phone Gratis

Begitu Banyak Untuk mendapatkan sebuah kecerdikan dalam berkomunikasi,apalagi atas nama komunikasi secara gratis.Bisa kita lihat diiklan-iklan saat ini operator di negri tercinta kita ini lagi gencar-gencarnya perang tarif yang bermacam-macam seperti 0,00001 perdetik telpon murah banget yah pokoknya bingung dech mau pake yang mana,ok kali ini saya menemukan info gimana sih caranya kita agar bisa nelpon gretz.

Perhatian : Hanya berhasil di daerah tertentu.saya tidak bertanggungjawab jika tidak berhasil.

Pertama,beli kartu perdana Mentari dan IM3 yg masih tersegel di Gallery Indosat.Harus 2 karena utk melakukan testing 2 arah.
Aktifkan perdana 1 (Mentari,tlp 555),dengarkan lalu tutup.Cek pulsa ke *555#.Ketik SMS a ACT JKB02077 lalu kirim ke 202.
Kemudian,aktifkan perdana 2 (IM3,tlp 388).Cek pulsa *388#.
Ketik SMS a ACT JKB02077 kirim ke 202.
Pada tahap ini anda telah masuk dunia Frontline.Di hp anda masih aktif kartu perdana 2,yakni IM3.Jangan keluarkan perdana 2 dari hp anda.

Lalu ketik SMS a REG 081590010010 lalu kirim ke 6060.
Tunggu 1x24 jam.
Setelah 24 jam,ganti perdana 2 dengan perdana 1 yakni Mentari yg telah anda aktifkan.
Ketik SMS a REG 085670020020 lalu kirim ke 6060,dan tunggu 1x24 jam.Seusai 24 jam,
masukkan perdana 1 di hp Anda,dan berikan kepada orang yg paling sering anda hubungi.
Jika perdana 1 hendak menelepon perdana 2,ketik #31#-no telp-# lalu OK/YES.
Jika perdana 2 hendak menelepon perdana 1,ketik #31#081590010010 lalu OK/YES.

Perhatian : Hanya berhasil di daerah tertentu.saya tidak bertanggungjawab jika tidak berhasil.

sumber : dhika81 thanks infonya.


telpon gratis via telpon umum :

fasilitas dan cara yang dIgunakan:
1. telepon umum koin yang masih hidup.
2. Pencet Angka 1551 <---- CatatAn : angka 1 yang paling terakhir pencetnya agak lama sampe
ada Nada sela "Tut / Nit " nada sela lainnya lah.
3. Bila Tanda Itu telah Bunyi Baru Tekan Nomor Yang Telah Dituju (Nomor Telepon Lokal )
4. dan anda akan mendapatkan nada sambungan langsung dari Telkom Ke No telp yang dituju,
Selamat Anda dapat Bertelpon ria dan anda bisa bicara sepuas bibir anda.

Note : Untuk nomor lokal yang tidak bisa dihubungi diakibatkan.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Private Proxy 4 u

Sebenarnya mudah dalam mengakali GSM/CDMA agar kita bisa menikmati Internet secara Free, salah satunya menggunakan proxy, nah kita mungkin bingung ketika menggunakan proxy gak bisa mengecek email, atau browsing ke https, dan cara mengatasi itu salah satunya adalah menggunkan private proxy, bisa yang transparent atau anonymous kali ini saya share proxy private yang sya temui di berbagai sumber salah satunya xteam forum

For transparent free private proxy, the IP adress is , then the open ports are

username: internetuntuksemua
passwd: gratis

then for anonymous free private proxy, you can use on port 443,554,3124,3127, 8000,8088 and 9201
user: anarcho
pass: anarcho123

and this is transparent proxy that i usually use for surfing

proxy port 3128 swiss swiss venezuela France mexico china USA

user dan password bisa di update sewaktu-waktu...

username both free private proxy above will be updated periodically preventing abused.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How to get Free Internet Access with CDMA

Now in Indonesia every people like to using Internet, And easily to surfing in Indonesia Is not like other country while it easy and practice to surfing, Indonesia still has expensive charge to get internet.
Otherwise, there are some people using some bugs from isp (Internet service provider) to get free internet access(Internet gratis), and write it on e-book to sell it,
And now i will open the secret how to get free internet acces with CDMA that i did not get it by follow to buy some e-book.

For CDMA we can change the directly proxy into public or private proxy that we can find it from google, And best for us if we use the private proxy that it be able to login our email, https, ssl.

How to sett :
- Run Internet Explorer
- Choose Internet Option-connection
- Click use Proxy Server-follow it and port-klik bypass-save

How to use:
• Using CDMA(Fren)it must be empty of charge
• Setting Proxy-port on browser
• Try to Brows
• If we use some public proxy, it will be like this :
Welcome to the CoDeeN HTTP CDN Service!
You are using CoDeeN content distribution network(CDN). CoDeeN is a pulling-based HTTP content distribution network(CDN) deployed on PlanetLab with the goal of improving the Web performance.
You see this page because you chose to use CoDeeN in some way. If you don’t want to surf through CoDeeN, please undo whatever step you made to use CoDeeN. Please check your proxy setting at your browser, or uninstall any anonymizer software which uses CoDeeN. By the way, using Web anonymizer through CoDeeN will not work smoothly, and your access to CoDeeN get blocked at any time.
Finally, please do not attempt to abuse our system. For security reasons, we closely monitor all the activities through CoDeeN and log all the requests, and in case of abuse these may be used as evidence in police investigation.
Otherwise, CoDeeN is open to public use, so feel free to enjoy the service. You will be redirected to the page you have just requested in ten seconds.
* Click on "the page"

And have a nice browsing!!

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How to get goole page rank very fast

I dont know why many people get PR drop last week including me. I found several way to reach PR very fast. Lets fight together to gained our PR back. Hohoho (Evil laugh)

I will write it descending list from 1 to 11. Hope this article help.

1. Build a blog or move to blogger. blogger is a blog platform that’s open source (free), robust, extensible and easy to use. Add Feedburner, which equips site owners to broadcast RSS feeds and develop user metrics. Next, synch up Google Analytics and a sitemap plug-in to simplify populating the blog and developing useful, actionable metrics. Also, make sure your blog is pinging and other social-ranking sites like

2. Don’t worry about page rank. PR is highly over-rated as a yardstick of online success. Connectivity within a web community and expansion through content syndication and guest blogging are more critical to building site credibility than page rank. PR will take care of itself over time if you do it right.

3. Make a difference, or at least have a clear purpose. Differentiate your content on every post. Cover lots of editorial ground.

4. Use a conversational tone. Dry, starchy academic writing is strictly for the textbooks. Write words that people “hear” instead of read.

5. Provide a “Tell Your Friends” link on your blog. Birds of a feather do, indeed, flock together. So, if one of your regulars shares an interest in philately, chances are s/he has other friends with an interest in stamp collecting.

6. Study the competition. They’re studying you. Check out to do a little undercover work on search analytics employed by competitor sites and their visitors. You can’t touch the content but you can’t copyright an idea, either, so pick up some new paths of thought from others in your site’s arena.

7. Remember SEO basics. Use provocative, keyword-rich title tags, meta keywords and descriptions, and only link to high-quality sites. Never over do it. Keep your posts relevant, natural, accurate and, above all, current.

8. Don’t stuff blog post titles with keywords. It’s a form of keyword stuffing and spiders hate keyword stuffing. The ratio in headlines should be 40% keywords, 60% non-keywords.

9. Submit your URL to blog directories. There are “best of the web,” and paid directories, like Yahoo, and free directories like the Open Directory project at Every directory listing is another link to your site and another way visitors can find you. Just google them to find more.

10. Create blog categories that contain keywords, i.e., Ecommerce, SEO, Affiliates, etc. for use with a “site hosting” or “site design” blog.

11. Content quality counts. Research topics about which target readers want to learn. Write something new, useful and relevant. And don’t forget to regularly update older posts. Things change fast on the web so last year’s “next big thing” is this year’s hackneyed cliché.

About The Author
Frederick Townes in the owner of W3 EDGE Web Design. W3 EDGE is a Boston web design company that specializes in search engine friendly design, Internet marketing and conversion optimization. Contact them today for a quotation and more information on how to make the most of your online presence.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Different Concept Of Beauty

I believe that the concepts of beauty differs according to times and places. During the renaissance period, people thought that plump women were gorgeous. In contrast, nowadays who are slim are considered attractive. In the 1950s, fashion trends made women believe that they would look more stunning if they had curly or wavy hair, whereas today, a straight and long hairstyle is preferred. Previously in America and Europe, people with light complexions are considered attractive, while nowadays many people think that they look more exotic if they are tanned. However, geography also plays a role in determining the concept of beauty. For example, An Indian woman with long and straight black hair is considered beautiful. In Africa, on the other hand, a woman with curly hair is thought of as good looking. In some parts of Africa, women wear tattoos as symbol of beauty while Chinese women go for a flawless skin without any marks. So time And place really determine people’s perspective of beauty.

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Everybody is smart

The theory of multiple intelligences (MI) says that human beings are smart in many ways. The theory, Which was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner a professor of education at Harvard university proposes eight types of intelligences are :
1. Linguistic Intelligence (word smart)
2. Logical mathematical intelligence (number-reasoning smart)
3. spatial intelligence (picture smart)
4. Bodily kinesthetic intelligence (body smart)
5. musical rhythmic intelligence (music smart)
6. Interpersonal intelligence(people smart)
7. Intrapersonal intelligence (self smart)
8. Naturalist intelligence (nature smart)
People who are strong in one or two intelligences can learn and improve other kinds of intelligences in which they are weak. For example, student of English who are strong in logical mathematical intelligences can use their strength to learn English and improve their linguistic intelligences. In time they can be strong in both intelligences.

Adapted from

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Humors Healing Power

It is not joke that humor can ease Pain. More and more doctors, nurses, and health care worker believe in the healing power of humor. Medical research has shown that laughter can improve physical and mental health as well as cure various diseases. Don’t worry if you think you are not into humor because both spontaneous and stimulated laughter have equal healing powers. Read on to find out more about what the therapeutic benefit of humor are and how it can heal illness.

A lot of medical studies have shown the healing power of humor. Lee Berk, M.D.’s years of study has proven that laughter has significant role in fighting viruses, bacteria, cancer, and heart diseases . In his book, health, healing, and the amuse system, Dr Paul E. McGhee wrote that laughter lowers blood pressure and stress hormones in the blood. “it also reduces pain and strengthens the immune system. The natural killer cells in the body increase in number and become active. They seek and destroy tumor cells, “added McGhee. Lisa T. Wessan, a certified social worker, stated that laughter increase oxygen supply to the brain and improves memory and cognition. In addition, it relaxes muscle, releases toxins and stress, and helps people to cope. Laughter can also provide cardiovascular benefits. William Fry Jr.,M.D., a psychiatrist from Stanford University, Found that 15 minutes laughter equals 10 minutes on a rowing machine and 15 minutes on a stationary bike in reaching the same hearth pulse rate. Laughter is good as exercise.

Considering the benefits of laughter to our health, we need to learn to laugh at ourselves or at least to see in humor in difficult situations. Unfortunately, our daily life does not always give us enough reason to laugh. Continuous stress also seem to make some people forget how to laugh. Some others just do not have sense of humor.

Most of us do not know that healing power of humor originates not only from spontaneous but also from stimulated laughter. Both of kinds of laughter are always effective . this is exactly the reason why some people join laughter or comedy clubs. There are about 1.3000 of them all over the world . These clubs aim at helping people learn how to stimulate laughter anytime they need to “laughing together without reason for healthy life” is a concept promoted by the followers of laughter therapy. A typical laughter session does not even involve jokes. It requires people simply to laugh , stretch their body, and do various breathing exercises. In this session the participants do not have to laugh their heads off, a simple giggle of chuckle will do. Even mere anticipation of laughing could help. In one of his researches, Berk tested 16 healthy men. Only half of the men were told that in three days time they would see a comedy video. The members of this group experienced a drop in stress hormones and an increase in chemical that benefit the immune system . These changes became even more noticeable as it got closer to show time.

So are you in need of spirit and health boost without a prescription? Then laugh more because laughter is important to your well-being as frequent exercise, good nutrition, and enough rest and remember what William James, a spiritual psychologist, once said, ”We don’t laugh because we’re happy, but we’re happy because we laugh.”

Adapted from
Lorilyn Rackl, “But seriously Folks…,” Reader’s Digest, September 2003, pp 62-71
Rusty Wright, laugh a little: its good for your health ,

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Terms of Service

The services, content, site and any software are provided on an "as is" basis, without warranties of any kind. The opinion expressed herein are the opinions of the individual bloggers and not of may change, suspend or discontinue the Services at any time, including the availability of any feature, database, or content. may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict User's access to parts or all of the Services without notice or liability. reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify this User Agreement at any time. User shall be responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with any such modifications. Use of the Services by User following such notification constitutes User's acceptance of the terms and conditions of this User Agreement as modified.

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User will indemnify and hold, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers and employees, harmless, including costs and attorneys' fees, from any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of User's access to the Site, use of the Services, the violation of this Agreement by User, or the infringement by User, or any third party using the User's account, of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity.

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Privacy Policy Privacy Statement
What follows is the Privacy Statement for all websites (a.k.a. blogs) including all the websites run under the domain.
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