Everyone has a passion in life. Let's start there. What makes you look forward to another day? If you had the choice of what you would like to do most, what would that be? Once you have identified what the catalyst is that is the main driver in your life you can use this as a determinant to decide what you choose to do.
The person, who lives from one unhappy day to the next and performs daily tasks on rote merely to exist, can never achieve spiritual satisfaction. Doctors, teachers and religious workers who are totally dedicated to their calling are the most motivated of all. They have complete faith in the correctness and the goodness of their work. They are passionate about what they do. They are driven more by a set of principles. The greatest motivator is to do all day, every day what you love to do.
When you have achieved your desire to use your energy, your skills and your drive to do what you enjoy most, the likelihood of failure disappears from your considerations. You are so positive about life and your energy is so focused on what you enjoy that success is guaranteed. The virtuous cycle begins and one success leads on to the next. Even setbacks become of no consequence. In this positive state of mind they become motivators to overcome and so pave the way for the next positive developments. Once this state of mind is reached failures are only considered as corrugations on the road to success.
I loved my life in agriculture. I could work in the open and my children could grow up in the countryside. Life was tough and we rarely had much money but that did not seem to matter. A poultry enterprise that I had started had to be closed down when a major producer monopolized the markets. In spite of the losses we carried on and optimistically started a dairy enterprise which was a huge success. I have always had a passion for trading and investing in the stock market. I became a student of the markets and studied technical analysis because I loved the challenge. I find that I look forward to every day in the markets. Quite often my selections remain static, others lose and some rise spectacularly. It's all part of the exciting game of life. My goal is to make money in the markets but if I make a mistake I sell out quickly and try and find a winner. Losing money in the markets must be seen as part of the game of making money. Motivational satisfaction overcomes fears. I focus on winning, not the money.
In management I am often complimented on what my staff has achieved. My reply to this is that I have never motivated them to achieve anything. What I have done though is to have faith in their abilities to do the job. I have made sure that they receive recognition for their work and praise for a job well done. My faith in their abilities has provided the motivation for them to believe and motivate themselves.
Motivation is not an attribute that can be taught or enforced. Motivation is almost a spiritual belief in yourself and your ability to prevail despite any circumstances. It is the complete mobilization of all the senses, the skills, the mind and the spirit in a joyous union to accept every reverse on the road to the ultimate achievement.
Those who have climbed the highest mountains and lived through life threatening challenges know what motivation means. At the end of the road you still have faith.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Improve your self
Motivation for succes
So, you are ambitious, energetic and determined to succeed? Are you motivated? Dr. Robert Montgomery will tell you that motivation does not exist. That emotion and thinking govern what he calls "self-efficacy" which he defines as closest to motivation. Events and people have motivational influences which stimulate our reactions. If attracted by these influences our emotions react favourably and this is the catalyst that Dr. Montgomery says creates "the self-efficacy in your belief in your ability to carry out a specific task to achieve a specific goal". Self-efficacy is a belief; it is an attitude of yourself and an idea of a belief in your capacities. Attitude is the critical factor in motivational success.
All positive planning begins with liking yourself. If you respect yourself and others they will respect you. The long road to success must start with self-esteem and the respect of fellow travellers.
Following this concept means that if you believe that you are able to achieve specific goals you are more likely to achieve them. Contrarily, if you lack that faith in being able to achieve those goals then you are not likely to succeed. In other words it represents your own confidence level in your ability of success in a specific goal. So, this "self-efficacy", what most regard as motivation, will be the factor that will determine how hard you push your idea and the level of persistence you apply to succeed. Anything that enables you to strengthen this commitment to achieve a goal will eventually contribute to the level of success. Even small failures can compound negative emotions, so you must start by aiming for smaller goals. Nothing succeeds like success. It's easier and less costly to learn from other people's mistakes than to re-invent the wheel. So, imitation should be regarded as an excellent investment until you can improve upon it.
Achievement is about reaching goals. Setting goals is the marksman's example of aiming for a bullseye. If the sharpshooters aiming point is not precise the bullet can not penetrate the bulls eye. This analogy is precisely why a goal can only be achieved by the discipline of setting a goal then implementing the action that will achieve that goal. To be motivated you must set a goal in order to be able to reach that goal and build your self-esteem. Most problems are experienced by people who lack the ability to set their own achievable goals, in many cases due to the lack of self belief and esteem.
When they fail to achieve what they imagined they were working toward due to lack of a clear vision of what they desire, they believe they have failed. This failure is caused by a lack of clear motivation as there are no clear goals. A clear goal enables an energetic drive to problem solving and overcoming obstacles. The degree of focus on the goal is directly proportional to the likelihood of success.
Dreams are important but they remain dreams until action restructures them into realizable goals. The focus on attainable goals is important. Failure to achieve once again raises the danger of lack of faith to achieve a further goal. These goals should also reflect your own set of values and not clash with your own ethics or moral beliefs. You must do this to maintain the focus of your motivation to succeed.
Setting of goals is like a football game. Once you have scored that goal the game has not ended. You must constantly assess the state of play and plan toward the next goal because the game of life only ends when life ends. When setting any goal, think not of the road to the goal but the action desired when achieving that goal. What will be the situation when you have achieved that goal and what you consider as the reward for achieving that goal and what it might have cost you to get there?
Lack of confidence in self leads to the lack of being able to live successfully. If you lack the ability to love yourself, how can you really love others? If you are well motivated you have the ability to succeed to the level of your own aspirations. One of the great problems in modern society is the implanted idea that to succeed you must beat someone else at the game. Obviously, in sport you must win to win. However, the game of life is different. Everyone has a level of achievement that is specific to their own level of ability and competence. No one has to be beaten to achieve that level. The individual merely aims to arrive at the level chosen without the necessity to trample over others rights to be successful. Success is not about beating others but is about beating yourself and reaching out a little further than the last time and achieving realistic planned goals. It's not about greed and how much you win when you get there but more about the journey of how you got there. It's also about your integrity and your ethics and how you will be judged by your fellow travellers. Its not only about you getting there but about what you might have done for others along the way and the legacy you might have left behind that enabled others to see what you have done as a model to follow.
Part of the game of life is competition. In order not to destroy your health and also to live a balanced and productive life, not only for yourself but for family, is to be able to maintain a realistic balance in facing challenges. The driven type A behaviour pattern of constant competition in conflict with others is always trying to prove self worth in the eyes of others; the constant need to shove others down in order to demonstrate superiority. A need to direct and lead everything, a control freak and not able to accept that others might have better ideas. An aggressive dominating personality is associated in this type of mind with winning and has a constant need to win at everything to prove self worth. In fact this is a personality defect and lack of self-confidence so the personality is constantly in need of affirmation to show others what they assume as success. This type never achieves any inner peace as they will inevitably and regularly run up against others better than them. They are in constant and never ending friction trying to prove self-worth due to their own lack of self-confidence. Every time this happens they consider that they have failed because someone else is better. So they remain trapped by their own attitude to winning by constantly comparing themselves to others - in constant conflict with themselves.
Studies into competitive and co-operative attitudes show that co-operative methods always work better to everyone's benefit. It has been scientifically proven that these co-operative methods used in all spheres promote better development and thinking than the individual approach. Inter-personal relationships use the abilities of the group to the benefit of each individual. Once an objective and a goal are set then the power of the group driven by the single mindedness of an individual can be awesome. The criterion for individual success means you must march to the sound of your own drums. The accent for realistic goals has been accented. You have succeeded when you have achieved these goals regardless if others have achieved far greater goals. Your measure of success should not focus on others but on the attainment of your own goals.
Self esteem is critical to an individual for success in life. Your thoughts, your words and your actions will demonstrate your view of yourself-your self-esteem. Your satisfaction is to achieve whatever you have set as your immediate goal. And to go on reaching each new goal set by yourself. Your peace of mind will be reached when you are able to live a balanced life with time for business, family and friends. The single minded achiever will be so focused on a single goal that they often neglect everything else in life. The balanced achiever will be able to compete successfully at work tasks, maintain good relations with associates and friends, lead a happy and stress free home life and achieve goals set in all spheres. A "feeling" of achievement because that is what it is, is the sense of having achieved a goal set and completed a job to the standard set by your own yardstick. Some pressure in all these activities might create stress which is a stimulant in most cases. Like the leopard in pursuit of the prey, pressure is a stimulant to run faster. When the predator comes too close though this becomes the stress of survival! In order to manage stress, set balanced goals for all facets of your life, including family, health and recreation and then implement a plan to manage them. If you are not able to set these goals realistically, your timetable of life will overpower you. By now it is obvious that goal setting both short term and long term will be a critical factor in ac
What is proxy server
A server that sits between a client application, such as a Web browser, and a real server. It intercepts all requests to the real server to see if it can fulfill the requests itself. If not, it forwards the request to the real server.
Proxy servers have two main purposes:
# Improve Performance: Proxy servers can dramatically improve performance for groups of users. This is because it saves the results of all requests for a certain amount of time. Consider the case where both user X and user Y access the World Wide Web through a proxy server. First user X requests a certain Web page, which we'll call Page 1. Sometime later, user Y requests the same page. Instead of forwarding the request to the Web server where Page 1 resides, which can be a time-consuming operation, the proxy server simply returns the Page 1 that it already fetched for user X. Since the proxy server is often on the same network as the user, this is a much faster operation. Real proxy servers support hundreds or thousands of users. The major online services such as America Online, MSN and Yahoo, for example, employ an array of proxy servers.
# Filter Requests: Proxy servers can also be used to filter requests. For example, a company might use a proxy server to prevent its employees from accessing a specific set of Web sites.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
A hard disk drive (HDD), commonly referred to as a hard drive, hard disk or fixed disk drive, is a non-volatile storage device which stores digitally encoded data on rapidly rotating platters with magnetic surfaces. Strictly speaking, "drive" refers to a device distinct from its medium, such as a tape drive and its tape, or a floppy disk drive and its floppy disk. Early HDDs had removable media; however, an HDD today is typically a sealed unit (except for a filtered vent hole to equalize air pressure) with fixed media.
Strictly speaking, an HDD is a rigid-disk drive, although it is probably never referred to as such. By way of comparison, a so-called "floppy" drive (more formally, a diskette drive) has a disc that is flexible. Originally, the term "hard" was temporary slang, substituting "hard" for "rigid", before these drives had an established and universally-agreed-upon name. Some time ago, IBM's internal company term for an HDD was "file".
HDDs (introduced in 1956 as data storage for an IBM accounting computer) were originally developed for use with computers, see History of hard disk drives.
In the 21st century, applications for HDDs have expanded beyond computers to include digital video recorders, digital audio players, personal digital assistants, digital cameras and video game consoles. In 2005 the first mobile phones to include HDDs were introduced by Samsung and Nokia. The need for large-scale, reliable storage, independent of a particular device, led to the introduction of configurations such as RAID arrays, network attached storage (NAS) systems and storage area network (SAN) systems that provide efficient and reliable access to large volumes of data.
HDDs record data by magnetizing ferromagnetic material directionally, to represent either a 0 or a 1 binary digit. They read the data back by detecting the magnetization of the material. A typical HDD design consists of a spindle which holds one or more flat circular disks called platters, onto which the data is recorded. The platters are made from a non-magnetic material, usually aluminum alloy or glass, and are coated with a thin layer of magnetic material. Older disks used iron(III) oxide as the magnetic material, but current disks use a cobalt-based alloy.
A hard disk drive with the platters and spindle motor hub removed showing the copper colored motor coils surrounding a bearing at the center of the spindle motor.
A hard disk drive with the platters and spindle motor hub removed showing the copper colored motor coils surrounding a bearing at the center of the spindle motor.
A cross section of the magnetic surface in action. In this case the binary data is encoded using frequency modulation:
A cross section of the magnetic surface in action. In this case the binary data is encoded using frequency modulation:
The platters are spun at very high speeds (details follow). Information is written to a platter as it rotates past devices called read-and-write heads that operate very close (tens of nanometers in new drives) over the magnetic surface. The read-and-write head is used to detect and modify the magnetization of the material immediately under it. There is one head for each magnetic platter surface on the spindle, mounted on a common arm. An actuator arm (or access arm) moves the heads on an arc (roughly radially) across the platters as they spin, allowing each head to access almost the entire surface of the platter as it spins. The arm is moved using a voice coil actuator or (in older designs) a stepper motor. Stepper motors were outside the head-disk chamber, and preceded voice-coil drives. The latter, for a while, had a structure similar to that of a loudspeaker; the coil and heads moved in a straight line, along a radius of the platters. The present-day structure differs in several respects from that of the earlier voice-coil drives, but the same interaction between the coil and magnetic field still applies, and the term is still used.
Older drives read the data on the platter by sensing the rate of change of the magnetism in the head; these heads had small coils, and worked (in principle) much like magnetic-tape playback heads, although not in contact with the recording surface. As data density increased, read heads using magnetoresistance (MR) came into use; the electrical resistance of the head changed according to the strength of the magnetism from the platter. Later development made use of spintronics; in these heads, the magnetoresistive effect was comparatively huge, compared to that of earlier types, and was dubbed "giant" magnetoresistance (GMR) referreing to the degree of effect, not the physical size; the heads themselves are extremely tiny, too small to see without a microscope. GMR read heads are now commonplace. (See reference below.)
HD heads are kept from contacting the platter surface by the air that is extremely close to the platter; that air moves at, or close to, the platter speed. The record and playback head are mounted on a block called a slider, and the surface next to the platter is shaped to keep it just barely out of contact. It's a type of air bearing.
The magnetic surface of each platter is conceptually divided into many small sub-micrometre-sized magnetic regions, each of which is used to encode a single binary unit of information. In today's HDDs each of these magnetic regions is composed of a few hundred magnetic grains. Each magnetic region forms a magnetic dipole which generates a highly localized magnetic field nearby. The write head magnetizes a region by generating a strong local magnetic field nearby. Early HDDs used an electromagnet both to generate this field and to read the data by using electromagnetic induction. Later versions of inductive heads included metal in Gap (MIG) heads and thin film heads. In today's heads, the read and write elements are separate but in close proximity on the head portion of an actuator arm. The read element is typically magneto-resistive while the write element is typically thin-film inductive.
In modern drives, the small size of the magnetic regions creates the danger that their magnetic state be lost because of thermal effects. To counter this, the platters are coated with two parallel magnetic layers, separated by a 3-atom-thick layer of the non-magnetic element ruthenium, and the two layers are magnetized in opposite orientation, thus reinforcing each other. Another technology used to overcome thermal effects to allow greater recording densities is perpendicular recording, which has been used in many hard drives as of 2007.